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About ICCCS2025|Chengdu, China

The continuous development of information communication has provided advanced and reliable technical support for the progress and development of computer networks. With the in-depth development of computer network and communication technology, computer communication technology and database technology are widely used in the field of information services. Computer technology plays a vital role in the information era, and is conducive to the integration of information collection, information processing, information storage and the transmission and utilization of information and other aspects of natural information functions, and then form an information technology revolution that has a far-reaching impact on society. The computer network communication system is a remarkable symbol of the progress of the information society, and occupies an extremely important position in the information processing and transmission.

2025 The 10th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems will be held in Chengdu, China on April 18-21, 2025, which is sponsored by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, UESTC, China, and hosted by National Key Laboratory of Wireless Communications.

At present, all sectors of the society attach great importance to the research on the integration of communication technology and computing technology, and reached a lot of achievement. Based on resource sharing, the integration technology has shown great development potential. Computers are critical for communication and are the centerpiece of information technology. To further improve the development of computer and communication systems, ICCCS is set up to create the communication platform to achieve this goal.ICCCS as an IEEE conference from 2015-2023, which was born in Kanyakumari, India aiming to serve as a premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Computer and Communication Systems.The second edition ICCCS was held in Kracow, Poland in July of 2017. The third edition was held in Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan in April of 2018, and the fourth edition was held in Singapore in February of 2019. In 2020, due to the severe impact of COVID-19, ICCCS2020 became the first virtual conference, which created a web platform for all the authors to attend all the sessions and activities. Even in such a difficult time, around 250 authors still attended the whole conference full of  passion. As the situation got better in 2021, ICCCS2021 was successfully held onsite in Chengdu, at the same time, the remote way for online participation was also offered to ensure attendees from all over the world could be involved, in 2022, ICCCS was sponsored by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and 2023 was sponsored by Guangzhou University, more than 300 partipants joined in this event, in 2024, organized by Chang'an University, ICCCS 2024 achieved even bigger success than before.

ICCCS conference is now a well-known event worldwide and the number of paper submissions and attendees are increasing every year. Plus the successful experience in the previous nine editions, we are confident that ICCCS 2025 will still be a success led by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, UESTC, China. The organizing committee invites prospective authors to submit original contributions to ICCCS 2025.

Thanks for your attention and look forward to meeting you in Chengdu, China!

Proceedings 会议出版

After careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published by Conference Proceedings.
ICCCS 2015-2023 are all included in IEEE Xplore and successfully indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.


  Publication History
ICCCS2023-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-6654-5612-8 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
ICCCS2022-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-6654-5059-1 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
-IEEE | ISBN: 978-0-7381-2604-3 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
ICCCS2020-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-7281-6135-8 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
ICCCS2019-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-7281-1321-0 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
ICCCS2018-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-5386-6350-9 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
ICCCS2017-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-5386-0539-4 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus
ICCCS2015-IEEE | ISBN: 978-1-4673-9754-4 | IEEE Xplore | EI Compendex & Scopus

 Submission Instructions 投稿须知


1. Presentation & Publication 全文投稿为出版和参会需求
1) Full Papers will be invited to give the presentation,and the paper will be published in the IEEE conference proceedings.

2) English is the official language of the conference; the paper should be written and presented only in English.
3) Each paper should be more than 4 full pages and less than 10 pages normally,including all figures, tables, and references.
4)The first 6 pages are free of extra fee, extra pages will be charged at $60 (US dollars/per page) when the paper exceeds 6 pages.

Template(Word)    Template (Latex)    Submission Link   Call for Paper Flyer

2. Presentation Only 摘要只报告交流展示研究成果需求 ,不涉及文章出版

3. Listener (without publication and Presentation) 听众只在参会交流,不涉及报告及文章出版

4. If you still have any doubts about the submission, please feel free to contact us via 如果您有任何投稿疑问,请随时通过邮件icccs_contact@vip.163.com联系我们。


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