Invited Speakers

Prof. Liqiang Zhao
Xidian University, China

Liqiang Zhao (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 1992, and the M.Sc. degree in communications and information systems and the Ph.D. degree in information and communications engineering from Xidian University, China, in 2000 and 2003, respectively.
From 1992 to 2005, he was a Research Engineer with the 20th Research Institute, Chinese Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), China. From 2005 to 2007, he was an Associate Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Service Networks (ISN), Xidian University. He was appointed as a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Centre for Wireless Network Design (CWiND), University of Bedfordshire, in June 2007, to conduct research in the GAWIND project funded under EU FP6 HRM Program. His activities focused on the area of automatic wireless broadband access network planning and optimization. Since June 2008, he has returned Xidian University, first as an Associate Professor and later as a Professor. He has hosted/participated many national research projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation, the 863 Program, and the National Science Technology Major Projects, and several international research projects, including the EU FP6, FP7 plans for international cooperation exchange projects, and some research projects from companies, such as Huawei. He has more than 200 published in authorized academic periodicals both in and abroad and in international science conferences, wherein 60 of which are retrieved in SCI, and more than 140 of them are EI indexed, and more than 30 national invention patents. His current research interests include mobile communication systems, spread spectrum communications, broadband wireless communications, the space-air-ground integrated network, and the open-source network. In 2008, he was awarded by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education, China.


Prof. Shengming Jiang
Shanghai Maritime University, China

Shengming Jiang is a professor with College of Information Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University. He received his bachelor’s degree in China, master and doctoral degrees in France in 1988, 1992 and 1995, respectively. He worked as research associate in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology between 1995 and 1997, as member of technical staff and senior member of technical staff in National University of Singapore between 1997 and 2003, as associate leading scientist in Institute for Infocomm Research in Singapore between 2003 and 2004, as principal lecturer in University of Glamorgan in UK between 2007 and 2009, and as professor in South China University of Technology between 2004 and 2013. He started research on communication network technologies since 1992 with contributing several innovative proposals such as tbe Marine Internet and Best-Effort Networking System for large-scale heterogeneous dynamic wireless networks. From 2022 to 2024, he was listed by Stanford University's Mendeley Data for world’s top 2% scientists. A list of his publications is available at and

Assoc. Prof. Tianming Ma
Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES), China

Tianming (Tian-Ming) Ma received Ph.D. degree from Shanghai institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China in 2012. He was a post-doctoral researcher and obtained the first-class general financial grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation in Tsinghua University, Beijing, China from 2012 to 2014. Now he is an associate professor in the School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering (SEEE), Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES), Shanghai, China and serve as the leader of the intelligent wireless perception research team in SEEE. He has authored/co-authored over 50 journal/conference papers and held 10 Chinese authorized invention patents as the first inventor or as a mentor for graduate students, of which 3 have already achieved technology transfer. He is a member of IEEE ComSoc & IEEE SPS, a senior member of CIC, a senior member & life member of CIE, a life member of SCS, and a council member of SHIE. He has served as an OC member/TPC member/Track Chair/Workshop Chair/Session Chair/Publication Chair/Invited Speaker of many international conferences and received Outstanding Organization Award. He has also served as an official reviewer for many domestic and international journals in the field of communication, such as IEEE TWC, IEEE TVT, IEEE CNCOMM, IEEE CL, IEEE SPL, CJE, JC, JEIT, JSEE, JCIN, JCUPT, AAS, etc. His current interests include 6G multiple access technologies & waveform technologies.


Assoc. Prof. Jie Zeng
Beijing Institute of Technology,China

Jie Zeng received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tsinghua University in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and received two Ph.D. degrees from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2019 and the University of Technology Sydney in 2021, respectively.
From July 2009 to May 2020, he was with the Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University. From May 2020 to April 2022, he was a postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. Since May 2022, he has been an associate professor with the School of Cyberspace Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology.
His research interests include 5G/6G, satellite Internet, and GPT empowered communications. He has published over 100 journal and conference papers, and holds more than 40 Chinese and international patents. He participated in drafting one national standard and one communication industry standard in China.
He received Beijing’s science and technology award in 2015, the best cooperation award of Samsung Electronics in 2016, and Dolby Australia’s best scientific paper award in 2020.


Assoc. Prof. Sai Zhao
Guangzhou University,China

Prof. Zhao Sai, focuses her research on key technologies for next-generation wireless communications and data-driven wireless communications. Over the past five years, she has published more than 30 high-quality academic papers in journals and conferences such as IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and IEEE Systems Journal, with over 20 papers indexed by SCI.

She has led multiple projects, including the Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Doctoral Start-up Project of the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, the Science and Technology Innovation Project of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and the Youth Science and Technology Project of the Education Bureau. Additionally, she has participated in several national and provincial research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Zhao Sai serves as a reviewer for numerous internationally renowned journals and conferences, including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Systems Journal, and IEEE ICC.


Asst.Prof. Qianli Wang
Southwest Jiaotong University,China

Qianli Wang (Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Signal and Information Processing from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China, in 2016 and 2020, respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University. His research interests include estimation theory, compressed sensing, array signal processing, radar sensor networks, and high mobility wireless communications.