
The detailed conference schedule is to be available online soon, and the below program at a glance is given for your reference. For the conference meeting room is pending for a reference. Accurate conference room information will be based on the detailed schedule.

April 18, 2025 (Friday)*Registration | 2025年4月18日(星期五) 线下注册签到
Registration & Materials Collection
签到 & 领取会议资料
   Lobby 注册大厅

April 19, 2025 (Saturday) Morning*Plenary | 2025年4月19日(星期六)上午*开幕+大会报告

  09:00-09:10   Opening Ceremony & Remarks 开幕仪式 &领导致辞   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  09:10-9:50   Plenary Speech I  大会报告1   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  09:50-10:30   Plenary Speech II  大会报告2   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  10:30-10:50   Group Photo 大会集体照采集
Coffee Break Time 茶歇和自由交流
  Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  10:50-11:30   Plenary Speech III  大会报告3   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  11:30-12:00   Plenary Speech IV  大会报告4   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  12:00-13:30   Lunch Time & Break 午餐和午休   Dinning Hall 宴会厅

April 19, 2025 (Saturday) Afternoon* Authors Parallel Sessions | 2025年4月19日(星期六)下午*作者平行报告分会

  13:30-15:30   Oral Session 1-Data mining and data analysis
  Meeting Room 3 会议室3
  13:30-15:30   Oral Session 2-Advanced Information Theory and Application
  Meeting Room 4 会议室4
  13:30-15:30   Oral Session 3-Software design and testing
  Meeting Room 5 会议室5

      Coffee Break 茶歇

  16:00-18:00   Oral Session 4-Data security and data management
  Meeting Room 3 会议室3
  16:00-18:00   Oral Session 5-Computer and Digital Economy
  Meeting Room 4 会议室4
  16:00-18:00   Oral Session 6-Internet of things and engineering applications
  Meeting Room 5 会议室5
  18:30-21:00   Dinner Banquet & Young Scientist Awards & Best Paper Award & Best Student Paper Award
晚宴+最佳青年科学家奖+ 最佳论文奖颁奖+ 最佳学生论文颁奖
April 20, 2025(Sunday) Morning* Keynote Speeches | 2025年4月20日(星期日)上午 大会主旨报告
  09:00-09:40   Keynote Speech I 大会主旨报告1   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  09:40-10:20   Keynote Speech II  大会主旨报告2   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  10:20-11:00   Coffee Break Time 茶歇和自由交流   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  11:00-11:40   Keynote Speech III 大会主旨报告3   Meeting Room 1 会议室1
  12:00-13:30   Lunch Time & Break 午餐和午休   Dinning Hall 宴会厅
April 20, 2025(Sunday)  Afternoon* Authors Parallel Sessions | 2025年4月20日(星期日)下午*作者平行报告分会
  13:30-15:30   Oral Session 7-Artificial intelligence and intelligent algorithms
  Meeting Room 3 会议室3
  13:30-15:30   Oral Session 8-Neural Network Theory and Algorithm
  Meeting Room 4 会议室4
  13:30-15:30   Oral Session 9-Signal analysis and processing
  Meeting Room 5 会议室5
  15:30-16:00   Coffee Break 茶歇    
  16:00-18:00   Poster Session 1-Smart antenna design and performance analysis
  Meeting Room 6 会议室6
  16:00-18:00   Poster Session 2-Modern electronic technology and engineering applications
  Meeting Room 7 会议室7
  16:00-18:00   Poster Session 3-Aerospace Engineering and Intelligent Control Technology
  Meeting Room 8 会议室8



April 21, 2025(Monday) 2025年4月21日(星期一)

  10:00-17:00   Social Program(Optional) 一日游(自选)    
  14:00-17:00   Display 线上视频回放