Track 2 Terahertz, Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale and Communications (TMBMC)

Track Chair: Miaowen Wen, PhD, Professor, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China


Track Co-Chair:Xin-Wei Yao, PhD, Professor, School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China.


Track Co-Chair: Yu Huang, PhD, Associate Professor, Research Center of Intelligent Communication Engineering, School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China




The emerging communication paradigm that works in the nano/micro-scale has been revealed due to the rapid development of nanotechnology and its interdisciplinary research. So far, the molecular communication that uses chemical signals as information carriers, and the wireless communication that operates in the Terahertz frequency band are both deemed as the candidates to realize the aforementioned communication scenarios. Against this background, the end-to-end communication is initially realized, which paves the way for the nano network that forms the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT).
The IoBNT enables the revolutionary applications such as target drug delivery by the deployment of nanomachine, which can reach the focus on infection and then release the precise dose, remarkably reducing the side effect compared to the traditional medicine. Despite the advantages of both communication paradigms, many fundamental research problems related to them remain unsolved. In light of this, the track aims at receiving original research articles that are solicited in, but not limited to, the Terahertz, molecular, biological, or multi-scale communication.


The development of nanotechnology and its interdisciplinary research enable the emerging communication system operating at the nano/micro-scale, which may further bring the revolutionary applications beyond our imagination, especially in the healthcare industry. The study of how information is represented and propagates in the microscopic scale, joined by advances in communication engineering, nanomaterial engineering, synthetic biology, and lab-on-a-chip, to name a few, is inspiring the design of new communication systems that operate in these domains.
In particular, tools are being developed to engineer biochemical circuits, synthetic cells, swarms of devices, and many other systems at “small” length scales, i.e., nanoscale to microscale, which interact and affect with systems at these and larger scales. Utilizing these tools to engineer or re-engineer communications for such systems could facilitate a wave of revolutionary and interdisciplinary applications in fields from manufacturing and sensing to precision and personalized medicine. This track is devoted to the principles, design, analysis, implementation, and control of signaling and information systems that rely on substrates beyond conventional telecommunications, particularly based on (or crossing domains with) biological processes, chemical processes, and physics at the sub-micro scale, with consequent peculiar characteristics or features.
Hereafter, the topic of interest includes molecular communication (through/with natural or man-made systems), unconventional electromagnetic communications (e.g., terahertz), cross-domain communications (e.g., electrochemistry, ionic currents, etc.), novel signaling techniques to revolutionize communication at these scales, and applications of communication and information theory to the analysis of biological/biochemical and nanoscale systems. In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of this track, contributions from a diversity of disciplines are strongly encouraged.


We seek original completed and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/magazine/conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

8Active or passive transport molecular communication (e.g., diffusion, flow, microfluidic, motor-assisted)

8Biological data storage and computing (e.g., DNA, ions)

8Biochemical or biophysical signaling and computing

8Communication between and within natural and/or synthetic organisms

8Intra-body communication systems using neurons, cardiac cells, and other body cell types

8Internet of BioNano Things and Biocyber interfaces

8Mobile Terahertz and molecular communications

8Modulation schemes for Terahertz and molecular communications

8Signal detection methods for Terahertz and molecular communications

8Synthetic or systems biology

8Terahertz communication at the multi-scale scenarios

8Testbed/Prototype design in emerging